首先,您需要告訴Apple,ESP MDM是您的MDM Server。 請逐步進行以下操作:
**Non-DEP 設定,請越過此步驟,直接跳到 "步驟 4 - 設置VPP"
1. 在此處下載 ESP 公鑰
2. 登記 ESP 作您的 MDM 伺服器
- 登錄到http://school.apple.com
- 從畫面左側選單中選擇「MDM 伺服器」
- 按鍵「新增 MDM 伺服器」
- 鍵入 ESP MDM 作為伺服器名稱
- 在「上傳文件」中上傳 ESP 公鑰(透過步驟 1 下載)
- 出現提示下載的窗口時,請按鍵「下載伺服器代號」*這對於日後的安裝十分重要
- 點擊「保存 MDM 伺服器」
- MDM 伺服器已成功安裝
3. 完成!!! 您現在可以進行 "步驟 3 - 設置 DEP"
2. Register ESP as Your MDM Server
First, you will need to tell Apple, ESP MDM is your MDM Server. Please proceed the following step by step:
**For non-DEP, please skip this and go to "Step 4 - Setup VPP" directly
1. Download ESP Public Key here
2. Register ESP as your MDM Server in ASM
- Login to http://school.apple.com
- Select MDM Servers from the sidebar
- Tab Add MDM Server
- Type ESP MDM as the Name of the Server
- Upload ESP Public Key (Downloaded in Step 1 above) in Upload file
- Upon a window prompts for download, please tap Download Server Token *This is essential for later setup
- Tap Save MDM Server
- The MDM Server is setup successfully
3. Done!!! You can now proceed to "Step 3 - Setup DEP"