首先,您需要告訴Apple,ESP MDM是您的MDM Server。 請逐步進行以下操作:

**Non-DEP 設定,請越過此步驟,直接跳到 "步驟 4 - 設置VPP"

1.  在此處下載 ESP 公鑰

2.  登記 ESP 作您的 MDM 伺服器

  1. 登錄到http://school.apple.com
  2. 從畫面左側選單中選擇「MDM 伺服器
  3. 按鍵「新增 MDM 伺服器」
  4. 鍵入 ESP MDM 作為伺服器名稱
  5. 在「上傳文件」中上傳 ESP 公鑰(透過步驟 1 下載)
  6. 出現提示下載的窗口時,請按鍵「下載伺服器代號」*這對於日後的安裝十分重要
  7. 點擊「保存 MDM 伺服器」
  8. MDM 伺服器已成功安裝

3.  完成!!! 您現在可以進行 "步驟 3 - 設置 DEP"


2. Register ESP as Your MDM Server


First, you will need to tell Apple, ESP MDM is your MDM Server.  Please proceed the following step by step:

**For non-DEP, please skip this and go to "Step 4 - Setup VPP" directly

1.  Download ESP Public Key here 

2.  Register ESP as your MDM Server in ASM

  1. Login to http://school.apple.com
  2. Select MDM Servers from the sidebar
  3. Tab  Add MDM Server
  4. Type ESP MDM as the Name of the Server
  5. Upload ESP Public Key (Downloaded in Step 1 above) in Upload file
  6. Upon a window prompts for download, please tap Download Server Token *This is essential for later setup
  7. Tap Save MDM Server
  8. The MDM Server is setup successfully

3.  Done!!!  You can now proceed to "Step 3 - Setup DEP"