
從 App Store 新增

  1. 按鍵 「+新增」

  2. 按鍵「App Store」

  3. 輸入關鍵字並按鍵搜索

  4. 彈出搜索結果的視窗

  5. 選擇要新增的應用程式

  6. 檢查自動填寫的資料

  7. 按鍵「儲存」

從 VPP 新增

  1. 按鍵「 VPP 」

  2. 按鍵「 同步VPP應用程式 」

  3. ESP 將立即與 Apple 的 VPP 聯繫以獲取最新的 Apps 列表,並顯示以下消息:
    VPP 同步正在進行中,請稍候.....

  4. 如果尚未列出該應用程序,或者您想購買該應用程序的更多許可證,請按鍵「管理 VPP 應用程序」> 您將被帶到Apple School Manager 登錄 頁面 > 請登入和購買相關的應用程式

新增臨時應用程式 Ad Hoc Apps

*未在App Store中列出的應用程式

  1. 按鍵 「 +新增 」

  2. 按鍵「 Ad Hoc Apps 」

  3. 填寫字段並上傳 .ipa 檔案(*檔案不可大於 20MB)

  4. 按鍵「 儲存 」


Add App into App Management


First, go to App > App Management in Admin Console.

Add from App Store

  1. Tap + Create New button

  2. Tap App Store 

  3. Input a keyword and tap Search button

  4. A window pops up with results

  5. Select the App you want to add

  6. Check the information which is automatically filled in

  7. Tap Save button to add

Add from VPP

  1. Tap VPP button

  2. Tap Sync VPP Apps button

  3. ESP will instantaneously contact Apple's VPP to grab the most updated Apps list, and will have the following message appears:
    VPP Sync is in progress, please wait .....
  4. If the App is not yet listed, or if you want to purchase more license for an App, please tap Manage VPP Apps button. You will be diverted to Apple School Manager login page, please login and manage App Purchase in ASM.  

Add Ad Hoc App

*App which is not listed in App Store

  1. Tap + Create New button

  2. Tap Ad Hoc App tab

  3. Fill in the field and upload .ipa file ( *Maximum file size is 20MB)

  4. Tap Save button to add