可能是由於 APNS 過期或不正確

  1. 請進入「 蘋果 」> 「 APNS 」>  「 APNS資料 」

  2. 檢查證書是否過期 - 如發現已過期,請按照說明進行更新

  3. 如果證書仍有效,請進入「 設備 」>「 設備管理 」

  4. 按鍵「 設備名稱 」

  5. 在設備詳細頁面中,向下捲動至 APNS Cert UID

  6. 如果有 APNS Cert incorrect 的提示,請複制 UID 的最後一部分(一組英文字和數字的組合)

  7. 轉到 https://identity.apple.com/pushcert/ 尋找與設備 UID 的最後一部分相同的證書。 下載該證書,然後再次到 ESP 更新 APNS

Why my devices are disconnected and unable to manage? 

It may due to APNS expiration or incorrect

  1. Please go to Apple > APNS > APNS Info

  2. Check if the current certificate is expired.  If yes, please follow the instructions to update

  3. If no, please go to Device > Device Management

  4. Tap on the Device Name which is disconnected

  5. In Device Detail page, scroll down to APNS Cert UID

  6. If there is a notification of APNS is incorrect, please copy the last part of the UID (should be a mix of characters and numerics)

  7. Go to https://identity.apple.com/pushcert to find the certificate matching the last part of the device UID. Download that certificate and update to ESP again