- 安裝了Apple Configurator 2 的 Mac 電腦一台
- 連接用的數據線
- Wifi SSID 和 密碼
- 已註冊 ESP 帳戶
Supervise Device 監控設備
- 將 iPad 連接到 Mac 電腦
- 選擇手動配置
- 為新帳戶新增 MDM 伺服器(如果已經新增,請跳至步驟 9)
- 設定 MDM 伺服器
- 確認 MDM 伺服器
- 跳過"登錄 DEP"
- 提供您的公司/學校資料
- 生成新的監控身份
- 僅顯示部份設定步驟
- 等待 iPad 完成啟動
- 在iPad上,按照後績步驟進行設定,並依照屏幕的提示安裝"遙距管理"
- 請等待 ESP 圖示完成安裝
- 按鍵 ESP 圖示開啟 ESP 並允許通知和位置服務
Supervise Device (without DEP)
- Mac Machine with Apple Configurator 2 installed
- Connection cable
- Wifi SSID & Password
- ESP Account created
Supervise Device
- Connect iPad to the Mac Machine
- Choose Manual Configuration
- Create New MDM Server for newly setup account (if you have already created it, please jump to Step 9)
- Setup MDM Server
- Confirm the MDM Server
- Skip "Sign in to the DEP"
- Provide Your Company/School Information
- Generate a New Supervision Identity
- Show Only Some Steps for Setup
- Wait Unit the iPad is Fully Initiated
- On iPad, follow the following setup and note on the screen to install "Remote Management"
- Wait until ESP icon is installed
- Tap ESP icon to open ESP and allow notification and location services