這是 TeacherPad+ 的新功能

  1. 選擇頂部欄上的「應用程式」

  2. 然後在頁底按鍵「新增標籤」

  3. 為標籤命名 > 選取應用程式 > 然後按鍵「剔」儲存


參閱:TeacherPad+ 用戶指南

How to Create My Own App Label?

This is a new feature to TeacherPad+

  1. Select "Apps" on the top bar

  2. "Add Label" at the bottom

  3. Name your label > Select Apps > "Check" to save

Please note that such App Labels will also be visible and manageable by your school IT Admin via the Admin Console

Ref: TeacherPad+ User Manual