
  • Mac Machine with Apple Configurator 2 installed
  • Connection cable
  • Wifi SSID & Password
  • ESP Account created

Supervise Device

  1. Connect iPad to the Mac Machine

  2. Choose Manual Configuration

  3. Create New MDM Server for newly setup account (if you have already created it, please jump to Step 9)

  4. Setup MDM Server  

  5. Confirm the MDM Server

  6. Skip "Sign in to the DEP"

  7. Provide Your Company/School Information

  8. Generate a New Supervision Identity

  9. Show Only Some Steps for Setup

  10. Wait Unit the iPad is Fully Initiated

  11. On iPad, follow the following setup and note on the screen to install "Remote Management"

  12. Wait until ESP icon is installed

  13. Tap ESP icon to open ESP and allow notification and location services