After the DEP is ready or you are non-DEP, you need to set up VPP for your APPs.

  1. Download VPP Token from ASM
    1. Login to Apple School Manager (  )
    2. Click Settings > Apps and choose the server token click Download
    3. Save the VPP token file (*.vpptoken)

  2. Setup VPP
    1. Login to ESP Admin Console ( )
    2. Go to Apple > VPP > VPP Setup
    3. In Upload Token field, upload the VPP Token you have downloaded in Step 1 above
    4. Tap Submit button
    5. VPP account has been setup successfully

  3. Update Apps
    1. Scroll up and tap Update VPP Apps button.
    2. WAIT until the VPP Sync process is completed.

  4. Done!!!  You can now proceed to "Step 5 - Setup APNS"